Northern Skies Outdoors

No one can deny the rich outdoor heritage of this great nation’s northern regions. Growing up in Michigan, hunting and fishing was our way of life and most anticipated comradery with those we love the most. Cherishing the wildlife and the resources provided became deeply embedded in each one of us. We can only reflect on the morals the fur traders and Native Americans possessed when they inhabited the expansive great lakes region prior to the industrial revolution. The beauty and natural resources remain pure today, however, the common ideal of the outdoors has faded. I wanted to create a fashionable brand that encompasses the heritage and game species we pursue, whether you’re from the north or not. Documenting it along the way and publishing the best possible photography, writings, and game recipes as well. We can’t thank you enough for your support and believe me there is a lot more to come.

-Cade Hayford, owner Northern Skies Outdoors.